Dinner for our Tajik friends
Jeff and I had about 20 Tajik friends over on Sunday for a buffet type dinner. We played it safe and served; chicken, rice, salads, bread and fruit. We have both learned from experience the Tajik’s do not have a varied diet and well don’t really like food that is somewhat different. But we both wanted to say thanks to wonderful friends for their kindness and friendship over the last few months.
Of course the buffet style did cause huge amount of laughter. I had to explain the concept. It was explained to us that here it would be considered very rude to serve food here buffet style. However when you live in a 2 bed flat one has to be creative!! I also pointed out that when I go to their houses I don’t laugh at how they serve their food. Suffice to say this shut them up ha ha!!
Myself and Dr. Tom another vso person here took a trip with two locals friends to this town. It is about one hour from K. Of course we didn’t realise we had to eat two meals within the space of 30 mins. Now you don’t want to cause offence but God its tough trying to eat when you are absolutely stuffed!!
But again and I know I always talk about this, but their kindness was literally overwhelming. To put in context folks we were the first foreigners to visit their homes and they just desperately wanted to show us a good time. At times it nearly verged on the embarrassing – but you just have to take it on the chin and smile.
I’ve included this photo below – this is my friend Dil’s family. Her father asked could he wave at the camera. He had never met a foreign person before and wanted to say hello and good wishes to all my family and friends in Ireland. Honestly the best people!!
Interesting Fruit
So I found this fruit in the market and well, have no idea what it is called. Locals were not able to translate it for me. It’s a cross between an apple, peach and pear with a hint of citrus. Really yummy especially especially when cooked.
Well on the countdown now. In the middle of doing up final training materials and guides, and of course an overall report. I have a clear plan of what I think/hope, should/can happen going forward but fingers crossed. However I plan to keep in touch and have someone here on the ground to keep me posted too!!
New Volunteers
Yeah a new bunch have arrived all three of them. We now think there are about 15 foreigners here. It’s a mixed bunch – some stick to themselves but for the most part were all in this together and meet up when possible. Usually Friday night – enjoyable for the most part but there is only so much political talk I can handle!!
As always from me to y’all good night!!!
Lainey xxx
PS: Winter has arrived here. Up until a few days ago it was lovely and warm and the suddenly BAM!! There is now snow on the mountains. Unfortunately I have few winter clothes with me but it’s only a few weeks thank God!!
PPS: Had to include this picture. Was walking home from work the other night. And I guess this was one of those 'kodak' moments only I was using my I-Touch. It is the view over the main bridge here in K - probably one of my favourite pictures!!